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[science-iwg] JSR 363 CQs approved by Eclipse

Dear All,

Last week, the CQ 12610 for the Java SE 8 implementation of JSR 363 was approved which the Smart Home project kindly requested.

The other CQ 12206 for Unit-API 1.0 had been approved a while ago (only those requesting it were notified, it seems I or other Spec Leads did not hear about it, but it was during Christmas Holidays for many so maybe that mulled it)

Also see:!topic/units-users/IMGFna1etyE

This means, any Science or other Eclipse project currently using JSR 275/JScience is able to migrate to JSR 363/UoM-SE (for now that's Java SE 8 and above) if they want.

It also allows UOMo to use or implement those JSR 363 components. If there is demand, we will provide a Java SE 7 compatible version, too (the current 0.7 SNAPSHOT would even still work with Java SE 6) otherwise, we discuss between directly using uom-se and re-implementing it via UOMo Units, whatever works better for UOMo and other projects.

Please let us know if you have questions or ideas, either in Google Groups (see above) or via

Kind Regards,

Werner Keil Eclipse UOMo Lead, Babel Language Champion | JSR 363 Co Spec Lead



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