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[sapphire-dev] New topic in forum Sapphire, called Creating custom connection bindings, by Justin Albright

Title: Eclipse Community Forums
Subject: Creating custom connection bindings Author: Justin Albright Date: Fri, 25 September 2015 14:39
I am attempting to create a connection binding for my diagram page and am having some trouble getting it to work. I am using the following code sample as my test case for now.
<application done='file_write'>
  <instance component='file_read'>
    <property name='filename' value='test.input'/>
    <property name='granularity' value='4'/>
    <property name='messageSize' value='16'/>
  <instance component='bias' connect='file_write'>
    <property name='biasValue' value='0x01020304'/>
  <instance component='file_write'>
    <property name='filename' value='test.outputwrong'/>
    <port instance='file_read' name='out' xferrole='flowcontrol'/>
    <port instance='bias' name='in'/>

I have been able to create a custom DiagramConnectionPart and custom ConnectionService for the "connect" attribute of the instance elements following some guidance from this project -

I am now trying to figure out how to make the connection element bindings. I know that the default connection bindings could work, but I'm not sure how to specify the endpoints because each endpoint ends up being its own port element in the list of ports associated with the connection. I have attempted to create custom parts like I did for the connect attribute, however connection elements and their ports know nothing about the instance nodes that I am attempting to connect.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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