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[sapphire-dev] On-demand compilation of model elements

I’d like to highlight a key change to how developers work with Sapphire that is coming in the 0.7 release.



For the last several years Sapphire has used a Java annotation processor linked to @GenerateImpl annotation to produces implementation classes for the model element interfaces.


A better approach is to produce implementation classes on-demand at runtime by generating bytecode. This has the following key advantages:


1. No need to customize the build to run the annotation processor.


2. No need to tag interfaces with @GenerateImpl.


3. Smaller application binaries to distribute.


4. Less complex compiler since generating bytecode is easier than generating readable Java source code.


Old Compiler: 17 classes, 3219 lines of code

New Compiler: 3 classes, 808 lines of code, ASM bytecode library

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