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[rmf-dev] ProR package refactoring ahead

Hi all,

This is a heads-up that I am about to do some significant package name refactoring.  In a nutshell, all appearances of ...pror.reqif10... will be replaced with ...reqif10.pror...

Here some background: Currently, the ProR ItemProviders cannot be generated without errors, as for this to work, the model classes and ItemProvider classes must have the same package names (short of the trailing .provider).  It had been in the back of my mind to create a custom template to fix this.

However, I discussed that with Stephan Eberle at EclipseCon, where he pointed out that the trailing .provider can be modified through the generator.  For instance, .provider can simply be changed into .pror.provider, to give the providers a different package name.  This seems to be a much more elegant solution, as it does not require custom templates.  But for this to work, the beginning of the package names for model and providers must still be identical.  By switching .pror and .reqif, we can achieve this.

I plan on releasing this with 0.5.0.  Please be aware that this will affect ALL presentations (including those not hosted at  Also, this may break the Hudson system, as Lukas, who usually maintains it, is on vacation for a few days.


- Michael

Michael Jastram +49 (162) 274 83 94
Geschäftsführer Formal Mind GmbH
Wissenschaftler Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Vorsitzender rheinjug e.V.
Project Lead Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework

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