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[riena-dev] Losing my reference

Hi Rienars,

While strolling through the usages of our ExtensionInjector (as part of a QA task) I realized that we are producing memory leaks. This happens every time e.g. when we wire instances (i.e. perform service and/or extension injection) that have been created from extensions (this happens automagicaly). These instances do not have a dedicated life cycle - they do not get disposed or stopped in such a way that the injectors could take care of that. These instances simply will not be used when no longer needed and than they will be garbage collected. Unfortunately this will not happen when they have been wired because the injectors keep a reference to those instances and the injectors also register themselves as listeners to the framework (osgi/equinox). This connection to the framework will only be cut when the injectors get stopped!

To avoid this leaking I have ´renovated´ the injectors. They do no longer keep a strong reference to their ´targets´ - they use now a WeakRef which is a utility class that uses internally a WeakReference to track the reference to the ´targets´. When such a reference is about to be reclaimed by the garbage collector the WekRef's notification callback method is called and .. drum roll .. the injector will be stopped.

Since this is very delicate stuff - please watch out for weird or unexpected behavior in Riena. ;-)


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