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Re: [riena-dev] DateTextFormat, DecimalTextFormat and I18n

Hi ekke,

good questions. Here is an overview of the current behavior (I'll
clarify this in the javadoc as well):

1. DateTextRidget - uses whatever the developer specifies with
setFormat("..."). See class-javadoc of SegmentedString for details.

2. DecimalTextRidget, NumericTextRidget - uses the decimal/grouping
separators for the current locale (=user-specific). Currently there is
no way to change that. If you need to change it (=data-specific),
please open a bugzilla for this.

3. DateTimeRidget - uses the locale settings from the OS (ex. Vista:
Control Panel (classic) > Regional and Language Settings).
Unfortunately the SWT DateTime control only allows choosing a SHORT /
MEDIUM / LONG format. It does not have API for changing the format to
another locale.

Hope this helps,

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 4:04 AM, ekkehard <ekkehard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hi,
> defining an RDateText I have an attribute to format the date-output
> in the discussion  yesterday at JAX09 - OSGI ExpertsDay after presenting my
> OSGI-Riena-EJB3 Server,
> I was asked about I18N and Riena DateText or DecimalText fields
> is there a way to use I18N ? but then I have to use an I18N key instead of
> the formatting string
> ...have not tried this yet - think you riena-experts  have an answer ;-)
> thanks for giving me a hint how this is solved in riena world
> ekke
> BTW: there are 2 scenarios changing the formatting depending from a locale:
> a) user-specific (user sets locale at startup)
> b) data-specific (invoices from US are shown as 2,000.00 and from DE as
> 2.000,00)
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Elias Volanakis | Technical Lead | EclipseSource Portland
elias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | +1 503 929 5537 |

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