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[riena-dev] 3.5M6 Target

Just a quick heads-up.

If you're trying to build your 3.5.M6 target, notice that the
eclipse-equinox-SDK download is now in a different format (p2-ized).

After experimenting with new target management preferences in 3.5.M6,
I've found that this approach worked best for me:

- unzip (still with eclipse/plugins + eclipse/features)
- open and copy all plug-ins from there into eclipse/plugins [1]

- go to window > prefs > plug-in dev > target platform > add > nothing > next
- on the content tab > add > directory > location=
c:\....\eclipse\plugins (wherever you unzipped) > finish
- give it a Name (i.e. Riena 3.5.M6)
- Finish
- Select and hit 'Set Active'

Hope this helps,

[1] Eventually the target management stuff should work directly with
the p2-ized downloads, but I wasn't able to get it to work for me. If
you've better luck, share what you did :-)

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