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Re: [rdf4j-dev] new website progress

Hi Jeen,


Looks nice, what seems to be missing is the page about non-database tools:


Maybe the list of databases/stores (currently under the about info

and the info on the page mentioned above could be merged on one page,

with a separate menu item instead of being part of  the about (e.g. just “tools” ? “related” ? “used by”…)




From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jeen Broekstra
Sent: dinsdag 21 mei 2019 9:58
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [rdf4j-dev] new website progress


New website is now up and running for testing on . Once we're happy with the state of it, I'll redirect to it and take the wordpress site offline. 


Btw I still need to set up an automatic update of the site - I'll probably work with a cronjob on the service to automatically refresh the site (similar to how we did it for the Asciidoc site). 


Feedback welcome. I'm mostly interested at this point at information that is missing from the new site and things that are seriously broken. Less critical things such as improvements in the look and feel don't have to hold up switching over, IMO.






On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 8:14 PM Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Slight change of plans.


It turns out using default Eclipse infrastructure and using the domain is trickier than I assumed. So, for now, I'll just do a swap on our existing infrastructure: I'll take the old wordpress site and the old ascidoc doc site offline soon, and replace both with the new Hugo site. 




On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 11:34 PM Bart Hanssens (BOSA) <bart.hanssens@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Jeen,


Nice work.

I assume you also got the Eclipse bulk mail asking projects to move old releases to the archive instead of keeping them on the main sftp location ?

So this might be a good time to shuffle some files around, if necessary.

Enjoy the holidays




From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jeen Broekstra
Sent: woensdag 17 april 2019 2:28
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [rdf4j-dev] new website progress


Just wanted to give you a quick update on the new website: it's coming along nicely, I have been able to port over most of our existing documentation to Hugo Markdown without significant issues.


The plan for rollout is as follows:


1. Once I've finalized the content of the hugo site, I'll ask Eclipse webmaster to help us set up hosting at (this currently redirects to but we'll repurpose it for a running the two sites in parallel while we test things). The idea is that on our end we just have a Jenkins job that deploys the site, and all hosting management is handled by the webmaster team.

2. I'll also ask them to set up a https certificate. 

3. Once we're satisfied the new site is good to go, I'll ask to have redirect to, and to . We can then decommission the old site.


Note that the outcome of this will be that our "canonical web address" becomes instead of just .


Part of testing is also that I want to see that we can do redirects from old deep links as much as possible. The documentation has been restructured a little bit so it won't be possible 100%, but I'd like some of the obvious entry points to be covered by a smart redirect, at least.


Also, one editorial thing: I'm playing with the capitalization of the project name, we have not been very consistent with that in the past I feel. I'm currently in favor of the following defaults:


 - "Eclipse rdf4j" (lowercase for rdf4j to align with the logo).

 - "rdf4j"

 - "rdf4j server" / "rdf4j workbench"  / "rdf4j console"

 - When starting a sentence with the short name, capitalize: "Rdf4j is a ...."


This is just really nitpicky stuff but I think it looks more pleasant and more recognizable than all caps "RDF4J".


Ideally, I'd like the new website to be live somewhere in the first week of May.


I'll be offline for a few days for Easter holidays. So a slightly early Happy Easter everyone!






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