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[rdf4j-dev] Fwd: GSoC 2017: Student Work Submission Guidelines and Final Evaluations

Title: Google Summer of Code
Hi Heshan,

Google Summer of Code is slowly drawing to an end. And it's time for you to make a pull request for your code so that the community can see what you've been working on and discuss how to proceed. 

As Google so nicely puts it; The idea of GSoC isn't that students churn out code -- it's important that the code be potentially useful to the hosting Open Source project.

So our expectations should not be for a finished shacl engine, but rather for something to discuss, build on and expand.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Google Summer of Code <summerofcode-noreply@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 1 August 2017 at 08:19:18 GMT+2
To: hmottestad@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: GSoC 2017: Student Work Submission Guidelines and Final Evaluations

Hi Håvard Ottestad,

With a little over 3 weeks left for students to complete their GSoC 2017 projects we want to remind you about the requirements for the final evaluation that we have already shared with the students.

As part of their final evaluations, students will provide a single URL to the code they produced. Then, as part of their final evaluation of the student, mentors will validate the target of the URL (provided in the evaluation), making sure it points to the GSoC 2017 work product. Mentors will also make sure the code compiles and there is adequate documentation provided for the work the student has completed.

Please read the Student Work Product Submission Guidelines now to help your student find the best option for their situation. It is very important that you work with your student and let them know exactly what you expect from them in their submission well before August 29th. Ideally you will work with your student over the next few weeks and they will be prepared to send you the link to their work when the final eval period opens August 21st or on the 22nd. This will give you time to validate the target of their URL and let them know if you want them to make any changes, etc. before they have to make their final submission in the system by August 29th.

Don't forget to encourage your students to spend some time on code cleanup, documentation, testing and other best practices.

Mentor Summit

If you are one of the 2 designated mentors that your org has decided to send to the Mentor Summit please complete the Mentor Summit Registration form as soon as possible. And be sure to book your hotel room (if needed) at either Sheraton Sunnyvale or Aloft Santa Clara.

Read the GSoC 2017 Mentor Summit website for many more details about the weekend. Please note that we are changing things up a bit this year and the opening evening's events will begin at the Google campus starting at 6pm on Friday, October 13th.

Not sending anyone to the Mentor Summit?

If your org does not plan to send anyone to the Mentor Summit please fill out the form as soon as possible so we can start to take anxious mentors off of the growing wait list. Thanks.

Important Dates

August 1: Deadline for Organizations to register with Payoneer to receive mentor and travel stipends
August 21-29: Students submit their work product (code) and a final evaluation of their Mentor
August 29-Sept 5: Mentors evaluate Students on their final work submissions
September 1: Final date for students and mentors to update their shipping address
September 5: Deadline to register for GSoC Mentor Summit
September 6: Successful students are announced
September 10: Students who pass receive their final payment
Early October: T-shirts are shipped to mentors with assigned projects and to all org admins

As always, please reach out to our team at gsoc-support@xxxxxxxxxx with any questions.

Google OSPO

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