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[rap-dev] RAP memory consumption and Strings

Hi all,
Sorry for being late to answer some of the questions that came up a few weeks ago about memory consumption.
I was in vacation.

In my experience there's not much knowledge out there about how Strings really work. I have been working on performance topics for some years exclusively and questions about Strings always came up.

The basic answer is that Strings are usually  not shared automatically in Java. There are a few exceptions such as Strings literals  being  shared because the VM callls String.intern() on them automatically. There are some API calls such as "subString" that share the internal char[]. Unfortunately the rules which calls do share something and which do not are clear and even change from JDK version to JDK version.

You can find some information about the problems with Strings on my old weblog at the SAP Developer Network ( Thee posts and might be of interest in this context.

The basic approach I usually recommend is to use a call to String.intern() to reuse an already existing String instance.
String.intern() is not free of problems, because it was pretty slow on SUN JDK 1.4 (and HP) and it does a global lock in case something is written the VM internal Hashtable that is used.
In practice, I so far found that it didn't cause any real performance problems.
I'm not aware of any good generic replacement for String.intern() because, one would need to implement a low overhead WeakConcurrentSet and that is probably very difficult, because WeakReferences have a memory overhead that might be to high to be accetable.

You can find some examples for real world (Netbeans, Eclipse) problems with Strings at my new weblog at


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