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[rap-dev] exception logging on EntryPoint registration

Hi RAP folks, after several hours of fiddling with "caught but somehow not logged" execeptions in my RAP eval project I came across a very annoying part while debugging into the EntryPoint registration. While starting my RAP application I only got "An entry point named ''default'' does not exist." Over and over I checked my plugins but could not locate the reason for that. Finally I stepped into the registration process and found the cause. A simple UnsupportedClassVersionError set me back 4-5h. I started with Java 1.6 but had to switch back to Java 1.4 while development. Of course this could be considered as a beginner's mistake. ;-) But why I didnt see any helpful log message?

EngineConfigWrapper.registerWorkbenchEntryPoint() contains the following piece of code:

try {
  Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle( contributorName );
  Class clazz = bundle.loadClass( className );    // throws exception
  EntryPointManager.register( parameter, clazz );
  BrandingRegistry.getInstance().bindEntrypoint( id, parameter );
} catch( final Throwable thr ) {
  String text =   "Could not register entry point ''{0}'' "
                + "with request startup parameter ''{1}''.";
  Object[] param = new Object[] { className, parameter };
  String msg = MessageFormat.format( text, param );
  Status status = new Status( IStatus.ERROR,
                              thr );
  WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log( status );

But where does this "WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()" logs into? Where can I find it? Other methods additionally added something like:

  // TODO [rst] Added to make errors visible on the console, revise this
  System.err.println( msg + " Reason: " + e.getMessage() );

Maybe this could be temporarily added in registerWorkbenchEntryPoint() too?

Im really happy with this finding, because now I can continue my RAP development. I'm really suprised how easy web development can be using RAP. So keep up the good work.

Thanks, Lars

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