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Re: [rap-dev] RAP UI Testing (automation)

Hi Joel,

you're right - we are under heavy work.

To your patch: there are some problems which keeps us off to apply that patch:
1) Java 1.5 requierement (no problem, one-liner)
2) 29 test cases red (did you ever run the tests?)
These two problem could be fixed easily but there are other things to mention:

3) Way more bandwidth with every ajax request and I don't see a reason now to have another system property for something which really should be done in another way 4) With the patch you just change the incremental id to an widget-type-only incremental id. So far this is way better than using the incremental ids for testing but it is not sufficient for real tests as they would also break when you just add a new button which is rendered before the to be tested widget. Changes in this area should be done as a proper solution and not by trying to make it just a little better. A proper solution could be developed that way but not a week before the 1.0 release. I don't see a chance to accept this patch as there are just too many problems with it and no real improvement. Sorry if it sounds bad but it's just to late in the cycle to address these things properly.

After the release I would be happy to talk to you about testing RAP applications and how we could develop a nice solution to this problem. One idea was the usage of XPath-like syntax to address the widgets (see testing wiki page). If you have another idea, don't hesitate to talk about them.

Just my 2 cents

just4lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I understand that everyone is under heavy work because of the release
1.0 but do you think it would be possible to merge my patch before the
official release or is it already freezed?

Best regards,

Joel Oliveira

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