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[qvto-dev] QVT 1.2 / 1.3


QVT 1.2 received Architecture Board approval at last week's meeting. It should be publicly visible as a Beta in a couple of days. The Final Adopted Specification generally takes a further 3-6 months to gather further rubber stamps from the Executive and editorial review.

So no changes are likely from the draft I circulated a few weeks ago.

The XMI files were revised to use
- rather than in the nsURIs
- xmi:type rather than xsi:type
- MOF tags for nsPrefix
- redundant xmi:types on root elements

The XMI is loadable without problem in EA, MagicDraw or Eclipse, but fails in the OMG NIST validator - NIST investigating.


The QVT 1.3 Revision Task Force was chartered with me as chair.

I'd like to make some progress on defining traceability/transformation extension/mapping refinement so any comments on



        Ed Willink

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