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Re: [ptp-user] Error Message

Dear Sir/Mrs.

I succeeded in finding the rpm files to install the Devel::GDB. The files were found at the web-site:

Now I repeat to setup the parallel debug configuration and I get the following error message:


5857a475-04dc-4767-a8cf-3ab13ed83eef: FAILED

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 113, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_debug_state""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 120, near "terminate "gdb terminating, exit""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 131, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_debug_state""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 140, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_proctable_size""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 144, near "terminate "cannot open file $ROUTING_PART""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 154, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_proctable""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

String found where operator expected at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 161, near "terminate "Cannot rename $ROUTING_PART to $ROUTING_FILE""

               (Do you need to predeclare terminate?)

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 17, near "use $Devel::GDB"

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 113, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_debug_state""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 120, near "terminate "gdb terminating, exit""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 131, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_debug_state""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 140, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_proctable_size""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 144, near "terminate "cannot open file $ROUTING_PART""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 154, near "terminate "Error reading MPIR_proctable""

syntax error at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 161, near "terminate "Cannot rename $ROUTING_PART to $ROUTING_FILE""

Execution of /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ aborted due to compilation errors.




How to proceed?


Best regards,








From: Dr. Yehuda Singer <yehuda.singer@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 14:38
To: 'ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx' <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Error Message


Dear sir/Mrs.



Here is the error message I get:

e322af38-1c9c-4100-b0ab-528b4d96b840: FAILED

Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::GDB module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1 /usr/lib/perl5/5.26.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.26.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl) at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 17.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/yehuda.singer/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 17.



I opened the In line 17, it tries to run Devel::GDB. But it does not find it.


Looking forward to your help.



Best regards,

Dr. Yehuda Singer

Parallel Solutions Ltd.

Office:  972-74-7012159

Mobile: 972-52-2306-311


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