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Re: [ptp-user] git version control and synchronized project are not working

Did i say it is connected to the nasty windows path format? That's true..
The problem is that when i put the files under git version control they are moved to a location outside my eclipse workspace. When i put the repository into the project directory (and ignore Eclipse's complaints about this not being recommended) everything works fine.

Am 25.01.2012 15:55, schrieb Christoph Pospiech:
On Wednesday, January 25, 2012 09:22:34 you wrote:
Hi @all,

i ran into another (and from my point of view much more urgent) problem:
I have switched from "Remote Project" to "Synchronized Project" as this
does fit my needs a little better. Besides this the error parser is
working fine
Unfortunately i am not able to put my synchronized project under git
version control. As soon as i try to the remote build stops working with
the following error (corresponding log entry at the end of the post):

strange, I am using this setup (= revision control with git and PTP
synchronized projects) all the time.

Local host - ia32 + Kubuntu Oneiric + Gnu Compiler + OpenMPI
Remote host - varying, at this moment
                                      SuSE SLES + SandyBridge Cluster
                                       + Intel Compiler and MPI
                              but also was POWER6 + AIX6 + IBM compiler + MPI
                              or BlueGene.

Prerequisite - EGit/JGit/Mylyn from nightly build, currently
   EGit Mylyn	(from Jan 24, 2012)

And I do (E)Git revision control on my local host, start on the remote host
with an empty directory and let PTP synchronized projects do the copying back
and forth (see "I get a Merge conflict for a file that changed both locally and
remotely. How do I recover from this?" in the FAQ mentioned below).

You are aware of
and the FAQ on ?

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