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[ptp-user] Some problems

        I am a new user of PTP. This is a abusolutly great tool for developing parallel programmes.
        Since we suppose to provide this as a client IDE to researchers from department such as Physics to access our cluster, we are so interested in the rdt.
        Now, I have some problem in using this tool.
1. If a user want to develop parallel programmes such as OpenMPI or MPICH2, what should the MPI include paths? As we think, the libs the user use should be on the remote cluster, which maybe different as libs on the client machine. And another excellent component: syntax tips, does this work in this scenario?How? As we all know MPI has different versions.
2. I notice that when we creat a new Resource Manager, and then we new a Proxy server location, we can find out that the system access the remote cluster via SSH(as default, and we suppose this is preferable). So what tools do we need to install on Windows client. Or in another word, what tool do we need to access the remote cluster?
3. I have tested the linux version to access to another machine. I have created the Resource Manager correctly, but I just can not start the manager. I was using a MPICH2 on the remote system, and mpd was running, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH was correct. So what do we need to do on the remote system to make sure that the PTP can access and start the resource manager?
Thanks so much if you could reply.

2008-11-02 10:21:14
Yuanbin Zou
FIT 1-111, Tsinghua University, Beijing,China
Residence: +86-10-6279-6954
Mobile: +86-135-8154-2786

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