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[ptp-user] Need help about setting up and debugging!

Hi all,
I've just downloaded the latest version of eclipse for c++ developer (3.4.0), and the PTP 2.0 correctly installed
Since my installation of openmpi isn't resident in canonical folder (i.e. /usr/local ), I built up all the ptp binaries stuff with the command:

CFLAGS=-I/opt/openmpi/include/ LDFLAGS="-L/opt/openmpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/opt/openmpi/lib" sh BUILD

compilation, linking and installation seem to be accomplished. No errors or problems.
So the binaries are actually in the right folder. Then I tried to parallel debug a program of mine. No way, because the debug configuration stucks me with the remark: "No Resource Manager has been selected".  Infact, there is no resource manager available in the list.
I do not use any external, thirdy party, Resource Manager, like IBM's or something. And I actually don't even understand if I need one, since I didn't realize what you mean with the _expression_:
" If you don't intend to run parallel applications locally, there is no need to install any resource managers ".
I'm supposed to run and debug parallel applications locally, since I use to locally access the cluster frontend, so am I supposed to use a "Resource Manager", or whatever? and if so, may I use the ptp_orte_proxy as a "Resource Manager"? .....or what?
BTW, I suspect there is something wrong with the ptp_orte_proxy, because when I try to execute from a terminal, it results in " proxy connection failed"
I know I could sound something sick, but I'm really frustrated by this problem...all I am trying to do, from weeks ago, is simply debugging my parallels programs...but I can't managed yet.
Can anybody help me, please?

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