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[ptp-dev] Question about checkboxes in JAXB resource manager

I've completed the first pass at building a resources page for the PE JAXB resource manager and it seems to be working. I'm able to submit a PE application and see the effects of the environment variables I set, and I can see the job show up in the active and inactive jobs views as it runs. I'm also able to kill a running PE application. I still need to clean this up, adding validators and making sure I haven't missed anything.

The one thing I did notice is that I have some tab pages that have three columns because I use browse widgets which need two columns for their layout along with the third column for a label. I can get text widgets and combo widgets to lay ought properly by specifying horizontalSpan=2 in their layout data. Checkbox widgets don't seem to recognize this. I end up with the label for the subsequent widget in column 3 instead of back in column 1 where I want it. Are checkboxes supposed to recognize horizontalSpan, or is a checkbox widget only allowed to span a single column? I can probably fix this by using a label widget with empty text to fill in column 3.

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