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Re: [ptp-dev] Questions about service contributor wizard pages


On Jun 29, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I have what I think are a working set of wizard pages for the PE and LL
resource managers. I did the following

Added a 'public String getString(String key, String defaultValue)' method to IServiceProvider and Service Provider since I wanted to apply default
values (from the preferences store or "") rather than dealing with
getString() returning null.

I extended ServiceProvider with a new class
'ResourceManagerServiceProvider' that holds the attributes for the baqsic
(local) resource manager. I extended that class with
'RemoteResourceManagerServiceProvider' which contains the additional
attributes needed for a remote resource manager. Then I extended that
class with PEServiceProvider and LLServiceProvider which contain the
attributes for the PE & LL resource managers.

All of these have get/set methods for each of the attributes. They all
directly access the backing store with getString/putString rather than
trying to cache locally. I don't think these are on a performance critical
path where we really care.

So you're using get/putString for all RM configuration information? I had imagined that we'd keep using the current AbstractResourceManagerConfiguration class, but in hindsight your approach probably makes more sense. We still need to provide something the implements IResourceManagerConfiguration, though as this is used quite extensively.

I also modified the AbstractRemoteProxyResourceManagerConfigurationWizard,
AbstractRemoteResourceManagerConfigurationWizardPage and the PE and LL
wizard pages to use the new service provider classes.

I can run the wizards and have the values saved in the service provider

I'm not clear how this hooks up with the resource manager view or the
concept of service configurations associated with projects. Where will the
user be making the selction of a service configuration, and how do
resource managers get started/stopped?

My thought is that we would keep the RM view, but move the create, edit, set default, start and stop operations to a service configuration view. These operations would apply to all services in a configuration (where it makes sense).

With the association of service configurations to projects, will I be able to get to a service configuration without having an associated project? (The default service configuration/default resource manager concept we've discussed before) I have a plugin which does not entirely depend on the Eclipse project concept, and which can invoke commands remotely outside
the project structure.

Good question. I don't think there's any issue about invoking commands remotely outside the project structure, but the question is where to save the service configuration information for your plugin. Does the plugin not use any Eclipse resources at all? It would be pretty easy to add service configurations at the workspace-level (which could be like configuration templates), but I wonder if your plugin should still have a project associated with it in any case?

I also looked at the OpenMPI resource manager wizard pages and it looks like they have their own completely indepedent class structure from what
the PE and LL wizards use. Any suggestions how to proceed with that?

Let's get PE and LL sorted out first, then we can take a look at OMPI.



Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
06/29/2009 08:35 AM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] Questions about service contributor wizard pages


For some reason only part of my reply was sent on Friday.

To answer the rest of your question, you're on the right track, but
taking a look at the code I realize that I need to provide some way to
hook into the wizard constructor (which creates the configuration) and
performFinish() (which sets the configurationd). You should then just
be able to replicate the code from RMConfigurationWizard. There are a
couple of ways to do this, but the easiest might be to extend
IServiceProviderContributer to supply the wizard as well as the wizard
pages. Then you can subclass ServiceProviderConfigurationWizard and
override performFinish(). I'll work on this today.


On Jun 26, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Greg Watson wrote:

Hi Dave,

I added some docs to on the services framework that
might be useful.

See answers below.

On Jun 26, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm trying to understand the structure of the services model and
how I
want to approach adding the wizard pages for the resource managers.
looks to me lika at the moment the configuration process is invoked
the Services->Launch Wizard menu selection on the Eclipse main menu
I end up on a HPC project configuration dialog page. That page has a
configure button which I think is supposed to lauch the wizard
pages for
the service provider selected from the drop down and that configure
is enabled only if the code finds the correct instance of a class
implementing IServiceProviderContributor.

That menu is added by the services.test plugin to make it easier to
test your wizard, but yes.

That IServiceProviderContributor is responsible for obtaining the
set of
wizard pages for that service provider, and I need to implement an
instance of that class for each of the resource managers.


So I think I understand how the appropriate wizard gets invoked and
the set of wizard pages.

I'm looking at the
AbstractRemoteProxyResourceManagerConfigurationWizardPage class,
which you
suggested I modify to extend the
class, and which gets me the default wizard page that I use in
the PE and LoadLeveler proxies.

The initContents() method of that class currently gets an
AbstractRemoteResourcemanagerConfiguration object which I understand
currently holds the attributes (host, path, etc) for the resource
I think that I now want to obtain an instance of the
where I further think I want to extend the ServiceProvider class as a
class (or set of classes) which hold the resource manager
attributes that
I need to save.
The current initContents() method gets the config information from
wizard by calling getConfigurationWizard().getConfiguration(), so I
that I need to provide a method in
that obtains the instance of the ServiceProviderConfigurationWizard
the service provider, and that the ServiceProviderConfigurationWizard needs to implement a getConfigurationWizard() method that returns the
IServiceProvider object for the service provider?

Am I on the right track with this? Has my thinking gone completely
off the
tracks and I've gotten lost somewhere?


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