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[ptp-dev] problem in launching external tools for performance tool integration

    We are trying to integrate our Parallel Performance Wizard tool with PTP by using the External Tools Framework (ETFw). The tool.xml which we are using is attached with this email.  The following steps were performed in launching our external tool:
1) Added the new tool by specifying our tool.xml in the Preferences menu option.
2) Created a new profiler configuration based on this tool.
3) When we try to profile it with our tool, it displays the progress bar specifying the launching delegate and it hangs.

I am not able to figure out why the launching delegate hangs. Besides, I am not able to see any information or debug messages what's really happening and why the launch fails.

Any information regarding nailing this issue would be very much appreciated.

 I am trying to launch the external tool framework with the following configuration:

Eclipse version 3.4.2 (build id: M20090211-1700)
PTP External tools framework  version (
PTP Version (2.1.2-I200905110828)

Please let me know if you need any more information.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tool name="PPW">
  <compile replace="true">
    <allcompilers command="" group="ppw"/>
    <CC command="ppwupcc" group="ppw">
      <optionpane title="PPW Compiler Wrapper" prependwith=""
		  enclosewith="" separatewith=" ">
	<togoption label="Instrument functions"
		   tooltip="Track all function entries and exits"
	<togoption label="Record data for shared-local accesses"
		   tooltip="Instrument source files to record performance data about both shared-remote and shared-local memory accesses. By default, only shared-remote accesses (accesses to the shared data space to remote data located on other threads) will be tracked unless this option is given."
	<togoption label="Use polite synchronization"
		   tooltip="Forces PPW to use polite synchronization methods when collecting performance data into a PAR file at the end of the run, such as calling sched_yield(2) while inside synchronization spinlocks. This is only useful if you are severely overscheduling threads to CPUs, such as using -pthreads=32 on a uniprocessor cluster with Berkeley UPC."
    <CXX command="" group="ppw"/>
    <F90 command="" group="ppw"/>
    <utility command="perl" group="perl"/>
    <utility command="ppwrun" group="ppw">
      <argument value="--output=ppw_eclipse.par"/>
      <optionpane title="PPW Program Run" prependwith=""
		  enclosewith="" enclosevalues="" separatewith=" ">
	<togoption label="Enable tracing"
		   tooltip="Record full program trace during run"/>
        <togoption label="Trace buffer size"
		   tooltip="Set the trace buffer size to the specified number of bytes (most users should not need to change this)">
          <optvalue type="text" default=""></optvalue>
	<togoption label="Collect communication statistics"
		   tooltip="Record statistics on (explicit and implicit) communication during program run"/>
	<togoption label="Collect per-line communication statistics"
		   tooltip="Record per-line statistics on (explicit and implicit) communication during program run"
    <utility type="view" command="ppw" group="ppw">
      <argument value="ppw_eclipse.par"/>

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