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[ptp-dev] Additional attributes and attribute controls

I had a request to clarify what I needed for attributes and attribute 
controls. There's three types that I'm aware of at this time

1) A two-choice attribute, such as MP_ATTRIBUTE_USE, which specifies 
whether a communication adapter is dedicated or shared. I think this could 
be represented as a radio button pair

2) Multiple choice with value, such as MP_STDINMODE, which specifies how 
PE handles stdin, and can have the values 'all', 'none', or task number. I 
think this could be represented as a drop-down combo box with selectable 
values, in this case 'all' or 'none' and an editable text field where the 
task number is entered. The list of choices may be more than two (I have 
another case with 8 choices) and the editable value is not always numeric 
(it may be an adapter name). I think I'd save whatever choice the user 
made, and not add a value typed in the edit field as a new entry in the 
drop down selection list, since that could eventually cause a very large 
drop down list if the editable value was a task index.

3) File path specification with browse button, such as to specify the 
hostlist file. The user could either type in the path name or click the 
browse button to pop up a file chooser where the user then chooses the 
file, similar to what's in existing preference panels.

In looking at the Parallel tab of the launch configuration dialog, the 
current attribute layout code assumes the layout is a 2 column layout. For 
file path specification, and maybe for a multiple choice that is laid out 
with radio buttons, more columns will be needed.

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