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[ptp-dev] Process sets? Process output?

Should running and stepping process sets work ok right now?
And should the output in the jobx_processY view work?
(I go to runtime persp. to get them - dclick on node/process icons...
then go back to debug view and i can see them there.
I want to step over printlns so i can "prove" a particular process
is running.  Should that work?)

Running and stepping process sets were a bit dicey last night when i played around more, too.
If you can suggest a simple MPI program and a scenario that works,
I will try that.

Leaving for the meeting now. Hopefully I can find a wired connection
so this Linux version of my thinkpad can connect. I don't have the wireless
working on it yet.  Demo at 4pm CT.

Thanks for all your help so far, guys!


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