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[ptp-dev] build changes

Hi all,

I've made some changes to the build process for orte_server and sdm. There are two new packages that you need to checkout: core/ org.eclipse.ptp.proxy and core/org.eclipse.ptp.utils. These have been extracted from sdm and put into their own packages because they are used by both orte_server and sdm. The other change has been to add a configure script to orte_server. This is because the location of the OpenMPI orted is now determined at build time rather than run time. This allows orte_server to be run remotely without problems. The build process is as follows:


1. Make sure you have the following packages:


2. Create and run an external command for 'configure' in the directory org.eclipse.ptp.orte (or change to this directory and run './configure' manually). This will configure all three directories.

3. Run the 'all' make target for org.eclipse.ptp.orte (or change to this directory and run 'make all' manually). This will build the proxy and utils libraries and the orte_server executable.


1. Make sure you have the following packages:


2. Create and run an external command for 'configure' in the directory org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm (or change to this directory and run './configure' manually). This will configure all three directories.

3. Run the 'all' make target for org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm (or change to this directory and run 'make all' manually). This will build the proxy and utils libraries and the sdm executable.

As usual, let me know if there are any problems.


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