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[polarsys-iwg] FW: Planning a telco to synchronize our various efforts about the Rover.

Dear all, 

Please find below a copy of an email I sent to the PolarSys rover mailing list last week. 
If you are interested in the Polarsys Rover and can join us tomorrow, feel free to join.

In any case, you should join the rover project mailing list as we don't plan to forward the information to all other relevant mailing lists in the future in order to avoid "spamming their subscribers".
Link to the subscription page is

I look forward to talking to you.

Gaël Blondelle
Director European Ecosystem Development
Eclipse Foundation Europe
Phone: +33 (0)673 392 185
Email: gael.blondelle@xxxxxxxxxxx
Twitter: @gblondelle 

On 2017-03-09, at 11:50 , Gaël Blondelle <gael.blondelle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to plan a conf call next Tuesday March 14 at 16:00 (CET)/11:00 (EDT) to do a status about the PolarSys rover project and to synchronize the different efforts on this topic.

Here is a proposed agenda:
* Roundtable to describe different efforts
* Status about the PolarSys Rover project 
   - Discuss a short term plan to contribute the code and move the development to the Eclipse infrastructure
* Discuss a project plan from now to june

Feel free to add comments if you want to update this agenda.

And also feel free to prepare and send me a short presentation about your efforts and plans. I'll put that together and share the presentation before the meeting. 
To access the conference bridge, please dial one of the following numbers:

Phone numbers

Then enter the participant conference extension: 439, then enter pin 4912
Alternatively, SIP clients can call 439@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, then enter pin 4912

Talk to you soon!
Gaël Blondelle
Director European Ecosystem Development
Eclipse Foundation Europe
Phone: +33 (0)673 392 185
Twitter: @gblondelle 
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