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Re: [polarsys-iwg] Maturity Assessment meeting minutes


The survey will be extended up to the 31st of December to allow more feedback. Please do not hesitate to share it with your colleagues, too.

As a consequence, there will not be a meeting for the maturity assessment next Monday (the 11th). We'll briefly present recent advances during the PolarSys meeting to be held on the same day.



Le 02/12/2014 11:10, Boris Baldassari a écrit :

Thank you for joining the Maturity Assessment meeting. Here are a few
notes about what was said, and the next steps.

# Next steps

* Take the survey! =>
It will run until the 12th of December. It is important to have as much
feedback as possible, so please do not hesitate to share it with your
colleagues. It's quick and helpful.

* Monday, the 15th of December, 4pm UTC: Analysis of the review and
freezing of the features for the first version of the PMM.
I'll send the phone numbers for the conf as a separate email.

# Scales

A series of scales has been proposed. Their definition depends on the
sources of data, so we explained the process for each of them:

As an example we have:
Number of ITS updates (256) => Scale => 4 out of 5 (quite good)

# Aggregation of metrics

We have now a mechanism to aggregate values, from normalised metrics to
concepts and quality attributes. Weights can be assigned to each node to
increase or decrease their importance in the final mark, by default all
nodes are equally important. The mean is used for the aggregation.
The quality model has also been improved to visualise it easily.

# Remarks from participants

The forums or nntp are not being analysed for now, which means that we
miss the activity, diversity etc. for projects that do not use mailing

We should differentiate missing data and null values, to measure the
confidence in the metric. Needs to be further discussed.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions, send comments, etc.

Have a great week,


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