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[platform-vcm-dev] Two VCS Questions/Bugs


I'm having two totally seperate problems related to VCS that I'd like to
ask about.

(1) Switching from build 2.1M3 -> 2.1M4 broke CVS support in my
configuration.  No matter what I try to browse under the CVS Browsing
Perspective, I get this error:

cvs [server aborted]: failed to open modules file

My connection configuration looks like this (and eclipse verifies it just


What am I doing wrong, or is something genuinely broken?

(2) Before I upgraded to M4, I was using M3.  In the CVS Browser, I was
able to browse the different projects under HEAD in the tree view.  I was
also able to right click and "Check Out As...".  The dialog would then ask
me what name and where to check out the project.

The problem is, if you tell it an already existing directory, which is not
empty, it will go ahead and delete everything in that directory before
checking out into that directory, and this is without sufficient warning.

Most other CVS clients I have used generally will create an additional
directory, usually named after the modeule you are checking out, in the
location you specified.  They do not to a recursive delete, then check the
files out.


Let's say you have a directory called "D:\Professional" which includes all
of your professional work, and you want to check out a module called
"Project A".  You tell your client to check that module out into the
"D:\Professional" directory.

Eclipse does this:
1) Delete everything and anything in the folder "D:\Professional"
2) Checkout the contents of module "Project A" into "D:\Professional"
[everything under "D:\Professional" is deleted]

Most other clients do this:
1) Create a folder called "D:\Professional\Project A"
2) Checkout the contents of module "Project A" into
   "D:\Professional\Project A"
[nothing is destroyed in this case]

I (and two of my employees) have been bitten hard by this.  Eclipse should
either provide more sifficient warning, or default to creating the
additional directory for you.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing about about these two concerns...


 Christian 'xian' Nelson                                  cnelson@xxxxxxxx
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    "Don't ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes
  you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people
                  who have come alive." -- Howard Thurman

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