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Re: [platform-vcm-dev] New Feature - Run code cleanup on commit

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Austin <paustin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Paul> Typically projects will have coding standards around formatting
Paul> of code, imports etc. Developers however have their own
Paul> preferred standards and will do whatever they want.

I agree with the former.  As to the latter, well, standards differ.
Some projects, like gcc, are very particular and won't let you check
in code with even very minor formatting problems (e.g., an extra

Lately I've been thinking that it would be useful if Eclipse supported
per-project editor settings, so that a project with strict standards
could provide a file in the repository which would control things like
indentation.  (I do this in Emacs, but my configuration isn't shareable...)

I don't know which list to suggest this on :-(


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