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RE: [platform-vcm-dev] Copy Listener

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the response to my email. Here is my requirement. I wasn't
sure if you wanted me to email you or if you wanted me to append it to
the bug report. Let me know if you want the latter.

I am implementing a Team provider that has very advanced synchronization
features. A lot of the synchronization is made possible by using the
IResource.setPersistentProperty() method to assign each resource a
unique synchronization ID. So far, it seems that everything is working
very well except in the instance of copy. This is because when a file is
copied and pasted it's persistent properties are pasted with it. In my
case this is bad because I now have two different files with the same
sync ID, which causes all sorts of problems. The pasted file needs to
have it's sync ID removed and replaced with a different one. This is
easy to do as long as I can be notified of the copy/paste action taking
place. Using the IResourceChangeListener only tells me that the file is
added, which isn't enough information. For me, I think simply adding
copy to IMoveDeleteHook, or something similar would be good enough.
Modifying IResourceChangeListener to have a PASTED delta event would be
even cooler.

That's about it. Let me know if you need more info.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin McGuire [mailto:Kevin_McGuire@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2:17 PM
To: platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [platform-vcm-dev] Copy Listener

I believe you are correct and that there is no good way to do it.

The following bug report discusses the need for copy being a part of the
move/delete hook:

And, actually, we were just discussing this issue a few weeks ago.  Can
you outline your requirement for it?  It would help us to understand the
parameters of the problem.  Clearly we believed that explicit copy
notification wasn't required by providers -- that 'add' was enough.


                      "Zulli, Joseph"

                      <Joseph.Zulli@xxxxxx>           To:
                      Sent by:                        cc:

                      platform-vcm-dev-admin@         Subject:
[platform-vcm-dev] Copy Listener

                      10/29/2002 01:51 PM

                      Please respond to


Hi everyone,

I'm in a situation where I need to know when files get copied from one
location to another. Unfortunately, the IMoveDeleteHook does not notify
me of copies. I tried using the IResourceChangeListener but as far as I
can tell there is no way to determine whether a file was copied or added
some other way. I only need to know about the copies for my repository
provider. Does anyone know how this can be done?

Thanks in advance,

Joseph Zulli
Computer Associates
Software Engineer
tel: +1 805 562-0423
fax: +1 805 562-0496

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