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Re: [platform-vcm-dev] Mutlithreading in the Team UI

Hi Michael,

> What do you mean by content provider? Do you mean TargetProvider?
Well, I am talking about a content provider for some view. This is a
problem which is not unique to the team plugin, but I did believe it had
the most impact here.

> As for non-blocking communications, the problem from a CVS, FTP and DAV
> standpoint is that, if an upload or download is non-blocking, a user could
> modify resources that are involved in the transfer at the wrong time and
> cause corruption either locally or remotely. Some sort of mechanism to lock
> the resource during the operation would be required.
I do understand that, but I don't believe that it is ok to lock the
whole ui. Not even a repaint is possible. 

> So to answer you question: yes, it bothers me when I have to wait for a
> long running operation to finish but I can't think of a safe way to make
> the CVS, FTP or DAV operations non-blocking. I should also say that there
> may be some operations that can be non-blocking and we will investigate
> these.
I believe the platform ui is missing something here. I explained that
below. Could you have another look?


>                       Mariano Kamp                                                                                                     
>                       <mkamp@xxxxxx>                  To:      eclipse team dev <platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         
>                       Sent by:                        cc:                                                                              
>                       platform-vcm-dev-admin@         Subject: [platform-vcm-dev] Mutlithreading in the Team UI                        
>                       08/12/2002 12:23 PM                                                                                              
>                       Please respond to                                                                                                
>                       platform-vcm-dev                                                                                                 
> This is a repost. I posted it the first as the 2.0 version was beeing
> finalized, probably this was a bad time.
> If this is off no interest or whatsoever I would at least appreciate if
> somebody says so.
> Mariano
> ----
> Hi,
>   I am working on a plugin, where the gui submits long lasting calls (to
> a database). Unfortunately the gui locks up then.
>   I did see that you guys are facing the same thing when accessing the
> repositories. Especially when you connect to a slow cvs server, e.g.
> sourcforge, the gui is not responsive anymore.
>   There is another similarity. I would divide the issue into two type of
> calls. a) Operations on cvs, like check-out or update (in my case
> executing queries to a database) and b) calls from a content provider.
>   I think a) is relatively easy to accomplish in my case (no resource
> modifications needed) -> just spawn a new thread and implement a call
> back, but b) seems to be more complex. The content provider calls don't
> provide a progress monitor and now call backs. I do understand the
> intention, that these calls should be fast, but as even the resources
> can meanwhile live on a ftp or web-dav server this assumptions will not
> even last for the simplest case of resources.
>   I know that platform-ui-dev would be the addressee for most of these
> things, but I wanted to talk to you first, to see how you want to cope
> with it, or doesn't the current behaviour bother you?
>   I am sure everything could be accomplished with the current API. I've
> also read the article from Chris Grindstaff
> ( where
> he proposes to show some "loading" image and using a callback to deliver
> the real information, but he wasn't going into any detail, how to do
> that in a non-ugly fashion. I am just wondering if in 3.0 there will
> evolve something elegant to solve this common problem?
>   On a side bar (just to be on-topic ;-). I really like the 2.0 Team
> API. I like the full exposure of the cvs functionality and still the
> tight integration into the platform. Great job.
> Cheers,
> Mariano
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