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Re: [platform-vcm-dev] Migration path for those using vaj2cvs

Thanks Kevin.
I've entered PR

which captures your email below.  When we look more closely at modules 
we'll refer back to your notes at that time.

Kevin McGuire

"Kevin J. Grittner" <kjgrittn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-vcm-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
01/10/2002 12:17 PM
Please respond to platform-vcm-dev

        To:     platform-vcm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-vcm-dev] Migration path for those using vaj2cvs

Thanks for the reply.  I'll paste some portions of our modules file
below, with the comments which are supposed to help people along when
they are setting up vaj2cvs.  I'll separate the clipped sections with
ellipses.  The module name formats are significant, but they can be
mapped to anywhere.  At our site, we chose to put the package trees for
java code directly under the cvs root, but I've had emails from others
with various other strategies for placing these trees within CVS.

To recap the module naming conventions in vaj2cvs:

(1)  Each java package needs a module definition in "dot" notation, with
the -l switch, which maps to the directory in CVS.  (The package comment
is pulled out from the package.html in that directory.)

(2)  Each project for which a project comment is desired must define a
module starting with "VAJ-Comment." followed by the project name, except
that any space in the project name is replaced by a dash.  This module
definition uses the -l switch and maps to a particular file in a
particular directory.  The filename should be the project name, massaged
as above, with a ".txt" suffix.

(3)  Each project that needs to be checked out at the project level must
have a module starting with "VAJ-Project." followed by the massaged
project name.  It will consist only of & entries, naming other modules. 
Some people may include modules for resource files, but the resource
handling is rather muddled in VAJ and people have added at least 3
different approaches to the tool to try to deal with it.  They are all
so messy that it may be best to ignore them beyond just making sure they
don't mess up the mappings of the java code.

(4)  To do a workspace checkout, you must have a module called
VAJ-Workspace, defined using the -a switch, which references only
project modules, as specified above.  Some users have modified vaj2cvs
to allow the user to specify a particular module other than
VAJ-Workspace for their workspace checkout, but it would always have the
-a switch and refer only to project modules.

If any of this is too muddled to make out, please let me know and I'll
try to clarify.

-Kevin J. Grittner

# Any package that will need to be checked out from CVS for VAJ must be
# as a module here.  It is not necessary to include a module from this
# in a higher level module if you don't want to check out at the higher
# It is not necessary that there be any particular location for the
# files, but it would be conventional to put them in the standard tree
# structure, either directly under the top level of the repository or
# some intermediate subdirectory.
# The -l switch should be used to prevent recursion, since checking out
# package in VAJ should not cause other packages to be automatically
# out, even if they start with the same string as the target package.
# If a package name has no dots in it, checkout will only find the
# defined here, so recursive checkout outside of VAJ will not be
# without defining another module that accesses the same directory
# the -l switch.
# The directory must be added to CVS outside of this tool.  If a package
# comment is desired, it must initially be checked in as package.html
# from outside the tool.  Once added to CVS, the tool can maintain it.

antlr                                 -l antlr
Antlr                                 -d antlr       antlr # To work
around the "no dot" problem.
antlr.actions                         -l antlr/actions
antlr.collections                     -l antlr/collections
antlr.collections.impl                -l antlr/collections/impl
antlr.debug                           -l antlr/debug
antlr.debug.misc                      -l antlr/debug/misc
antlr.parseview                       -l antlr/parseview
antlr.preprocessor                    -l antlr/preprocessor

com.caucho                            -l com/caucho                       -l com/caucho/java
com.caucho.regexp                     -l com/caucho/regexp
com.caucho.server                     -l com/caucho/server
com.caucho.server.http                -l com/caucho/server/http
com.caucho.sql                        -l com/caucho/sql
com.caucho.util                       -l com/caucho/util
com.caucho.vfs                        -l com/caucho/vfs                           -l com/ibm/bsf      -l
com/ibm/bsf/engines/activescript        -l com/ibm/bsf/engines/javascript -l com/ibm/bsf/engines/netrexx                      -l com/ibm/bsf/util                            -l com/ibm/cf                      -l com/ibm/cs/event             -l com/ibm/cs/event/adapters                       -l com/ibm/cs/util

. . .

# Any VAJ project that will need a project comment should have an entry
# The referenced file must be added outside of the tool.  Once added, it
# be maintained by the tool.
VAJ-Comment.ANTLR                              -l VAJ-Resources
VAJ-Comment.Apache-Log4J                       -l VAJ-Resources

. . .

# Any VAJ Project that needs to be checked out at the project level
should be
# defined here.

VAJ-Project.ANTLR        \
              &VAJ-Comment.ANTLR \
              &antlr \
              &antlr.actions \
              &antlr.collections \
              &antlr.collections.impl \
              &antlr.debug \
              &antlr.debug.misc \
              &antlr.parseview \

VAJ-Project.Apache-Log4J        \
              &VAJ-Comment.Apache-Log4J \
              &org.log4j \
              &org.log4j.examples \
              &org.log4j.helpers \
              & \
              & \
              &org.log4j.nt \
              &org.log4j.nt.test \
              &org.log4j.performance \
              &org.log4j.test \
              &org.log4j.xml \
              &org.log4j.xml.examples \

. . .

# All projects that need to be checked out as part of a workspace
# should be included here.

VAJ-Workspace -a VAJ-Project.ANTLR \
       VAJ-Project.Sun-utilities \
       VAJ-Project.JEdit \
       VAJ-Project.Sun-JavaBeans-Activation-Framework \
       VAJ-Project.Sun-JavaMail \
       VAJ-Project.Sybase-jConnect \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-Global \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-Client \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-Server \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-JMS \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-Plugins-for-Sybase-ASE \
       VAJ-Project.JADE-SQL-Parser \

Kevin_McGuire@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Actually, current downloads do use modules, in limited fashion.
> I am not familiar with vaj2cvs and so cannot comment on how its use of
> modules affects its compatibility.
> However, our goal is to be a "good" CVS client, which includes standard
> module support and ability to use Eclipse CVS against existing CVS
> repositories.
> Perhaps you could describe vaj2cvs module usage.  Or, once the new Team
> work with modules starts appearing in builds, you could provide 
> Kevin
>                     "Kevin J. Grittner"
>                     <kjgrittn@xxxxxxxxxx>           To: 
>                     Sent by:                        cc:
>                     platform-vcm-dev-admin@e        Subject: 
[platform-vcm-dev] Migration path for those
>                                 using vaj2cvs
>                     01/09/02 11:44 AM
>                     Please respond to
>                     platform-vcm-dev
> Context for my questions:
> vaj2cvs is a free, open source tool to interface IBM VisualAge for Java
> with CVS.  The vaj2cvs project at SourceForge shows over 2,000
> downloads.  I know that there have been numerous downloads from other
> sites.  Based on the SourceForge activity and the emails I receive (as
> the original author of this tool), I think it's safe to assume there are
> at least several hundred sites (and possibly thousands of sites) using
> the combination of VAJ and CVS with vaj2cvs as the interface.  A large
> percentage of these sites will probably migrate to Eclipse.
> vaj2cvs uses the modules file in CVS to provide the linkage between each
> VAJ project or package and its location with the CVS directory
> structure.  Different sites use different approaches to organizing their
> CVS directory structures, so this approach provides needed flexibility.
> I understand that currently available builds of Eclipse don't use the
> modules information, but that this is being developed with availability
> anticipated in April, 2002.  In the absence of modules support, we have
> been able to get Eclipse to work with our CVS structure through a
> combination of Unix soft links and Eclipse filters, but it is a bit
> clumsy.
> The questions:
> (1)  Is the current effort to provide modules support making an effort
> to ensure a smooth transition for people currently using vaj2cvs,
> regardless of how they have their CVS directory structure organized?
> (2)  Is there anything I can do during this development to help ensure a
> smooth transition for users of vaj2cvs?
> I ask partly out of altruistic care for the community using these tools,
> and partly out of a selfish desire not to be swamped with emails from
> people having problems making the switch.
> -Kevin J. Grittner
platform-vcm-dev mailing list

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