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[platform-vcm-dev] Migration path for those using vaj2cvs

Context for my questions:

vaj2cvs is a free, open source tool to interface IBM VisualAge for Java
with CVS.  The vaj2cvs project at SourceForge shows over 2,000
downloads.  I know that there have been numerous downloads from other
sites.  Based on the SourceForge activity and the emails I receive (as
the original author of this tool), I think it's safe to assume there are
at least several hundred sites (and possibly thousands of sites) using
the combination of VAJ and CVS with vaj2cvs as the interface.  A large
percentage of these sites will probably migrate to Eclipse.

vaj2cvs uses the modules file in CVS to provide the linkage between each
VAJ project or package and its location with the CVS directory
structure.  Different sites use different approaches to organizing their
CVS directory structures, so this approach provides needed flexibility. 
I understand that currently available builds of Eclipse don't use the
modules information, but that this is being developed with availability
anticipated in April, 2002.  In the absence of modules support, we have
been able to get Eclipse to work with our CVS structure through a
combination of Unix soft links and Eclipse filters, but it is a bit

The questions:

(1)  Is the current effort to provide modules support making an effort
to ensure a smooth transition for people currently using vaj2cvs,
regardless of how they have their CVS directory structure organized?

(2)  Is there anything I can do during this development to help ensure a
smooth transition for users of vaj2cvs?

I ask partly out of altruistic care for the community using these tools,
and partly out of a selfish desire not to be swamped with emails from
people having problems making the switch.

-Kevin J. Grittner

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