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[platform-vcm-dev] UI update

It's been a while since I broadcast a UI update, so here goes:

-The Sync view is essentially done in that it is 1.0 compatible. I would 
feel good about self-hosting on it.

The sync view for 2.0 is structured in such a way that providers may 
easily provide their own provider-specific actions (such as Commit, Check 
in, Get, Catch Up, or others) to the sync nodes to enforce their workflow. 
I will be preparing a short document describing how a provider can        re-use the sync view shortly.

-The repositories view has some improvements

It has the same auto-define trick we used in 1.0. Basically, if the server 
has history turned off (like there is no way to query for 
project versions. So we have an optimization where we look for a .vcm_meta 
file and grab the versions from that file instead. This will work for 
anyone working on an Eclipse project.

Speed improvements. Expanding project versions was brutally slow before. 
It is lightning superman fast now.

Repositories still has the bug where contents of all streams and project 
versions really appear as the contents of HEAD.

-You can branch by choosing the "Branch" option from the navigator popup 
and entering a branch name. In the future, pending cvs core support, we 
will also (after asking the user) issue an update with the new tag so the 
user can begin working with the stream directly. (in 1.0, and currently, 
after creating the branch you still need to add the branch contents to 
your workspace from the repositories view).

High on my To Do list:

-Compare with remote contents/Compare with tag
        -Compare with remote contents will be like the 1.0 "Compare with 
Team Stream".
        -Compare with tag will be like the 1.0 "Compare with Version" but 
will allow arbitrary tags for comparison.

-Replace with remote contents/Replace with tag
        -Similar to above.

-Merge. I will probably be re-writing the merge wizard from 1.0 since no 
one understood it. :-) You should be able to provide arbitrary tags as 
start and end points of the merge. The user could be given two options for 
        1. We could provide "Quick Merge" which performs a 'cvs update' 
with the right arguments. This way would alleviate the need for using the 
Merge editor. In case of an unresolvable line conflict, your local file 
would be modified in exactly the way that 'cvs update' modifies it. We 
would tell the user what files contain conflicts, and they could go 
resolve them.
         2. We will also provide "Slow Merge" :-) which opens the merge 
editor a la 1.0.

I'd appreciate feedback from anyone using any of the Team UI components.

That's it for now.


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