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Re: [platform-update-dev] Update Manager Installs - Forcing the Use of a New Site

Good scenarios maybe - but I'll have to think through some again to see how often they might actually occur in the tool/product specific world I have in mind.  I've often been reminded that possible scenarios are not always practical scenarios (while technically possible, you don't normally prepare for a sand-storm when you go snow skiing :-).

Re your comments:

Your response to scenario 2)
>The install is triggered from one of the products, so the extension is installed in the location associated with that product (say Q1).
>Now, the collocation affinity should be a hint, and the user can install it in a common product extension site that is shared by Q1 and Q2.

Your response to scenario 3)
>Do Q1 and Q2 have different placeholder features? If yes, then there is an issue.

For both of these I'll have to consider not how often do we see extensions that target multiple tool/product configurations (there are some), but how often a user/customer actually has multiple tool/product configurations that need the same extension.  Maybe this is a limited scenario where either duplication of install or user managed replication of the install is appropriate (or the extension supplier offers alternatives for this or chooses to use a formal install routine on their own).

Your response to scenario 4)
>You're right.
>The support exists in platform.xml, because it can define what site and what features/plugins from the site to pick up, but this is not exposed in the UI >yet.
Perhaps you can add it, and then open the configuration manager to disable features you don't need (looks like a hack)

At this point maybe we have crossed over into a domain where the user is conceptually aware of the way Update Manager works to combine features from multiple sites so maybe it is not that much of a hack. It is not like we are asking them to update the platform.xml by hand, and if the prereqs for the extra features in the one install site are not met then the feature should just be disabled anyway.

Re the Install wizard page UI thought:
>That will work, but it doesn't look very user friendly, and may be confusing to users.
I guess I'd have to see it/try it before I could agree.  What I think usually happens is that people just click next/finish until it starts downloading/installing - not looking or caring much where the new code goes.  If the install location defaults to a valid location that is not the product's own location - it might still work the same for the "rapid click until it starts" user.  The default location might look a bit like Mel's description.

Re your request for more detail on this from me:
> Or - a less specific statement in the feature.xml might just say
> install-site="public|private" - public is a rule for any site will
> do (new or existing) while private is a rule that says a new or
> empty install site must be used (Default public).  If this could be
> said once for a feature and applied to any included feature.... it
> might work too.
> Of course all of this may be more than what some want or think they
> need. If you want to cram all your plug-ins into one site I guess
> you should be allowed.  I'm trying to consider the case for how to
> best manage a common base that is provided by one vendor but
> extended by others (formal ISVs and other feature/plugin sets that
> might be discovered by the customer).  In this scenario we don't
> want the additional code to get deleted when the existing product
> install is reworked (an uninstall/reinstall form of update for example).

Maybe private/public were bad terms to choose.  Private in the thought above means "only to a new/empty site".  Public means "any site that may already exist or a new one if you want".
Goal was somehow get the Update Manager UI to either force the user to choose a new site (or use a new site location based on some default) or at least prevent the user from choosing an existing site at the target because the feature says - no, I need to be alone(private).  This would have to be overruled by a colocation-affinity statement; the two together would mean put me with this colocation-affinity identified feature or put me in a new install site.   Maybe better terms would be install-stite=default|unique|any ?

I've got to think through this again after another read of Mel's description of their desire and private implementation.

Maybe there is a short term (3.0) approach that tools/products can define based on the current implementation and then a more robust implementation (3.x) that accounts for a generalized set of requirements that support Mel's scenario as well.

Pat McCarthy  

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