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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Easier non-blocking progress report in dialogs: need API

Hi again,

I'm trying to find a decent solution to . I'd like to discuss the cause of this issue, and most likely of some other similar issues - or workarounds such as requiring to hit "Enter", reducing "fluidity" of the interface- in Eclipse IDE:

As I've spent some more time on this topic, we IMHO just need to expose some APIs to more easily customize where progress is reported for Jobs in order to make it possible to greatly improve development and usage of long operations in dialogs.

Concretely, something like ProgressManager.getInstance().progressFor(myJob).addProgressListener(wizardProgressMonitor) would be ideal. Those APIs are currently not accessible and the JobMonitor only support a single listener, but changing that is very affordable. Is anyone aware of some already existing initiative and/or bugs about making it easier for people to report job progress anywhere it makes sense (rather than in current Progress view, status bar and ProgressDialog) ?


Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers
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