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[platform-ui-dev] Platform.UI jUnit Tests for SWT developers?

Hello Platform.UI,

It's come to my attention that once in a while an SWT patch breaks some Platform.UI jUnit tests.

As such, I've been thinking that it would be beneficial for swt developers to run (some | all?) platform.ui tests before submitting SWT patches.

I followed Vogella's tutorial (thank you) and checked the eclipse test wiki page and set up the projects in eclipse such that I have no errors in my workspace. 

However, there seems to be a lot of different test suits. 
As an SWT developer, should I be running all of them or just some? 
(Some of them take a rather long time to execute. I.e, which are 'important and critical' and which are 'nice to run'?).
org.eclipse.ui.tests -> JFace Tests ->
org.eclipse.ui.tests -> UI Tests ->
org.eclipse.core.tests.(runtime) ->
org.eclipse.core.tests.(resources) ->   <<< These take for ever.
(also, have I missed any in that list?)

Or is it better to test things differently altogether (like maven etc...?)

Thank you 

Leo Ufimtsev | Assosiate Software Engineer @ Red Hat

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