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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Test work for platform.ui

Hi Lars,

Thanks for "upping" this.
Note that this is still something I'm interested in contributing too (although it won't be my main task).
The first step is IMO to identify which tests are failing, deciding whether we want them as part of the "patch acceptance" tests, and if yes, fix them to have them working with tycho-surefire-plugin. If we can have that, then there is not much need to tweak the skipTests on individual pom files. So that's where I'll focus my efforts.
Cf Current way to test whether a test bundle is tycho-surefire-plugin-friendly or not is to run it with "mvn clean verify -Pbuild-individual-bundles -DskipTests=false". If tests execute and have no failure, then it's good as it; if not, then it needs to be tweaked.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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