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[platform-ui-dev] Need help with bug 107346

Hi all,

I need some help with said bug (

I've implemented the functionality in the "org.eclipse.ui.workbench" plugin. Can someone knowledgeable comment on the following:

1) Currently everything is in org.eclipse.workbench.ui. Is there a more appropriate plugin I should use? The platform UI is huge and I'm not at all familiar with the big picture.

2) I used my Kepler installation as the API baseline when developing; is that the proper thing to do, or should I be using something more specific?

3) In cases where I had to upgrade plugin versions, I got some weird version numbers (e.g. 3.106); is that because of the E4 stuff? (i.e. the 3.x layers in E4 were bumped up to 3.100). And since I mentioned this, should I perhaps only be using stuff in org.eclipse.e4.ui.[whatever]?

4) There's some OS-specific stuff in there. Currently I've added a piece of code that tries to provide sensible defaults for three cases (Linux, Mac OS X and Windows). The feature works for all cases, you just don't get a default if you're running something else (you are prompted to configure the launcher command in the preferences instead). A couple of things here:

4.1) Is that "allowed" or must everything support all officially supported platforms? I'd need help from people with access to other platforms in order to get sensible defaults for those. 4.2) Is it required (as in coding guidelines) to have all platform-specific features contributed by plugins/features targeting specific environments, or is it ok to have this set in a non-platform-specific plugin using if statements (like I did now with org.eclipse.ui.workbench). Which plugins should I use in the latter case?

5) I haven't written any unit tests. Can you point me towards existing unit tests for something similar (e.g. the show in properties) but which is recent code, so I can have a look at an up-to-date approach (e.g. which frameworks for testing and mocking are used, etc)?

I hope I get some responses here; looking at the archives of this list it seems awfully quiet. I guess even though the license is open-source, most development isn't from individual contributors. In any case, I'd like to pick up a few more [helpwanted] items, so any help in bringing my code "in line" with the acceptable practices will be appreciated.


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