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[platform-ui-dev] Commit message guidelines

I'm interested in adopting a git comment convention [1] for our comments in Platform/UI.  I hope to accomplish 3 things:

1) align ourselves with the common practice for git comments [2]

2) use one that's already been adapted by an eclipse project

3) prepare for when we use Gerrit for reviews and contributions.

The gist of the comment format from [1]:

"Brief Title, less than 60 chars
[blank line]
quick or long description of the change, either code or behaviour.  The commit
comment area auto-wraps this.
[blank line]
Bug: bug#"

Please think about this, comments are welcome on the mailing list.  We'll make a call during milestone week and adopt it in M7.  Also I'll just comment on #3, we have no plans to adopt Gerrit before Juno ships to avoid the potential disruption.



Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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