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[platform-ui-dev] New maintenance branch coming for 4.1 maintenance

Here's the scoop:

Up until now we've been treating the R4_development branch as a 'unified' branch containing fixes for both 4.1.1 and 4.2. Now that we're deep into the maintenance end-game we need to create a specific 4.1.1 maintenance branch in order to free up the R4_development branch for the ongoing 4.2 work. We have few remaining defects targeted at 4.1.1.

According to those in the know (John A & Andrew) this doesn't present any large technical problems so we'd like to do this ASAP so we can start committing some of the backlog of non-4.1.1 dev work. The only side issue is that (due to a mis-communication on our part) there are a number of changes that have been committed onto the R4_development branch that are not  meant to be in 4.1.1 so we'll have to identify and revert those changes once the R4 maintenance branch has been created.

Note that the current 4.1.1 build doesn't actually contain these fixes since it currently just consumes the 3.7.1 'common' bundles...

There is only one change that has been identified (so far) as still pending to go into 3.7.1 / 4.1.1

This change will take a few days to prepare (it needs a new ICU from orbit) so we intend to construct the maintenance branch before this fix goes in (i.e. it'll have to cherry pick across all the branches).

If anybody has platform changes that they are still expecting to go into 4.1.1 let me know and I'll specifically ping you once the new branch is in place...we'll also be updating the appropriate wiki pages to reflect the new reality.


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