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[platform-ui-dev] git migration - please validate test repos

We are migrating org.eclipse.e4.ui and to git.  I've created a record of my tests so far, it's at git://  The script I followed is at org.eclipse.migration/scripts/e4_ui_prep.txt

I've created test repos for us to verify.  Don't worry if they're not correct or if you push random stuff to them, all test repos will be deleted and re-generated from CVS when we do the actual conversion.  Please clone all of the repos here to experiment with:

I've run the conversion on and created a test repo at git://  When Tom gets a chance he'll validate this repo and then we'll got ahead with the conversion for good.

org.eclipse.e4.ui is a little different.  Parts of e4 that graduated in 4.0 should move to the Eclipse Platform git repos, eclipse.platform.runtime.git and eclipse.platform.ui.git  The rest of the bundles can stay in org.eclipse.e4.ui.git.  To that end, I've created 4 repos for us to experiment with.  Then we'll discuss how we can best represent our code in eclipse.platform.runtime and eclipse.platform.ui going forward.


This contains the 4.1 bundles that graduated to Platform Runtime.  Mostly core.context, core.di support and assocated tests.  The modules that were graduated are listed in org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/ . Its destination is /gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.runtime.git


This contains the compat org.eclipse.ui.workbench.  It's the only bundle that's been branched into R4_1_maintenance.  We also need to figure out how this related to our 3.x org.eclipse.ui.workbench, as our copy is a fork from December 2009.  It's only one module, but listed in org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/ . Its destination is /gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git


This is the bulk of the 4.1 bundles that graduated to Platform UI.  CSS support, the E4 application, the modeled workbench, and associated tests.  The modules that graduated are listed in org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/ . Its destination is /gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git


This is the leftover e4 UI component.  Some experiments, some work with _javascript_, and some bundles that haven't graduated.  The modules are listed in eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/  It will continue to be the E4 UI component, and its destination is /gitroot/e4/org.eclipse.e4.ui.git

Please have  look at these repos, and experiment with them.  Are all of the modules in a place where you expect them to be?  Do any need to be swapped between repos.

What should our platform.ui and platform.runtime repos look like going forward?  How should we do our development for 4.2, 4.1.1, and any 3.8 development not appropriate for 4.x ?  How are we going to stitch these repos together?  We need to make these decisions fairly quickly, so we can move forward with the conversion.  Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome on these lists.

You can install the latest version of EGit from, or the 1.0.0 version from Indigo.

We don't have any working project sets for git yet, so when you clone the repo you'll have to look to import bundles that we consider active for each component.

For modification, substitute an ssh: URL for a git: URL.  ex:

We currently have a test repo for Platform UI available at:


We don't have a runtime test repo yet.

If there are any other e4 projects that would like to move up to git, please let me know and we can work out something.


Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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