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[platform-ui-dev] update to rcp home page

We have moved the RCP text editor example to the platform-text page - I would suggest to replace the example on the platform-ui RCP page with a reference to the platform-text page. See the attached patch against plaform-ui-home.

Index: rcp/index.html
RCS file: /home/eclipse/platform-ui-home/rcp/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 index.html
--- rcp/index.html	5 Oct 2004 19:31:37 -0000	1.13
+++ rcp/index.html	7 Oct 2004 10:33:00 -0000
@@ -107,42 +107,7 @@
 <h4><a name="text_editor_example">Text Editor Example</h4>
-  The RCP Text Editor Example is an example of a simple RCP app that makes use of the text editing infrastructure (an optional RCP component).
-  <br>
-  Click <a href="examples/texteditor/rcp_texteditor_ex.html">here</a> for the documentation for the example.
-  <p>
-  To run the example in binary form (last updated June 28, 2004 for the R3.0 build):
-  <ol>
-    <li>Download the RCP Runtime build from the <a href="";>Downloads</a> page, and extract it to a folder such as <em>c:\texteditor-example</em>.
-    <li>Download the <a href="examples/texteditor/">RCP text editing component zip</a> and extract it to the eclipse/plugins subfolder.
-    <li>Download the <a href="examples/texteditor/">texteditor plugin zip</a> and extract it to the eclipse/plugins subfolder.
-    <li>Replace the eclipse/configuration/config.ini file with the appropriate config file from the texteditor plugin.  For example, on Windows,
-		     copy eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.examples.rcp.texteditor_1.0.0/config_win32.ini to eclipse/configuration/config.ini .
-    <li>Run the eclipse executable: For example, on Windows, run <code>eclipse.exe</code>.
-  </ol>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-  To load the text editor example source into your workspace:
-  <ol>
-  <li>Download the <a href="examples/texteditor/">texteditor source plugin</a> and save it on your harddisk.</li>
-  <li>Create a new java project in your workspace and name it <code>org.eclipse.ui.examples.rcp.texteditor</code>. Choose to "Create separate source and output folders".
-  <li>Choose File > Import > Zip File.
-  <li>Use the Browse button to select the zip file you downloaded in step 1. Choose the plugin created in step 2 as destination folder.
-  <li>Press Finish.
-  </ol>
-  To run the example from your workspace:
-  <ol>
-  <li>Choose Run > Debug...
-  <li>Under Run-time Workbench, there should be two new configurations: RCP Text Editor (gtk) and RCP Text Editor (win32).
-  <li>Edit the appropriate one as follows:
-    <ul>
-	<li>on the Arguments tab, change the workspace location to some directory with write access (different than your host workspace, and different than the workspace used for other launch configs);
-	<li>in the Program to Run group, ensure that the application <b>org.eclipse.ui.workbench.rcp.texteditor.application</b> is selected;
-	<li>on the Plug-ins tab, press Deselect All, check org.eclipse.ui.workbench.rcp.texteditor, press Add Required Plug-ins, and also check org.eclipse.update.configurator.
-	</ul>
-  <li>Press Debug.
-  <li>When the RCP Text Editor Example window opens, use File > Open to open a plain text, .xml, or .html file.
-  </ol>
+  The <a href="";>RCP Text Editor Example</a> is available from the <a href="";>platform-text development resources page</a>.

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