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Re: [platform-ui-dev] JFace does not reflect the new color options for SWTTable and tree

I filed an enhancement bug for this:
Gunnar Ahlberg
Research & Development
P.O. Box 1350, SE-171 26 Solna,Sweden
Phone: +46 8 627 23 00      Direct: +46 8 627 25 83
Fax: +46 8 627 24 51      Mobile: +46 (0) 736 33 22 65
den 12 maj 2004 11:09
To: platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: gunnar.ahlberg@xxxxxxx
Subject: [platform-ui-dev] (no subject)

Hi all

With version 3.0 SWT table and tabletree will have the possibility to set foreground and background colors per cell. This has been a request from my customers for a long time.

Would you please update the IColorProvider and Viewers to reflect this in JFace?

Currently, if the viewer's LabelProvider implements IColorProvider, the getForeground(Object) and getBackground(Object) is called for each element by the doUpdateItem methods. I would propose a supplement to this, with the index. Will this be in for Eclipse 3.0? It's very important for me and I would say that JFace would benefit from this change.

Kind regards,

Gunnar Ahlberg
Research & Development
P.O. Box 1350, SE-171 26 Solna,Sweden <
Phone: +46 8 627 23 00 Direct: +46 8 627 25 83
Fax: +46 8 627 24 51 Mobile: +46 (0) 736 33 22 65

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