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RE: [platform-ui-dev] Platform UI R3.0 icon refresh.

I just installed I200403240800 which has these new icons. Here's some feedback.

The left, right, up, down, undo, and redo yellow arrows are a bit thick. They look more blob-y than arrow-y. I can't tell which way they're pointing as easily as the old ones. This is not helped by the lighter border being used in the new icons.

The new, save, print, import, and export icons are too washed out, and they look less native on Windows. I thought they were disabled until I saw the really disabled versions which are almost invisible.

The new icons for open and closed folders are too washed out. The CVS decoration is less visible on top of it because the icon is lighter, and they look less native on Windows.

The collapse-all icon isn't used consistency. Navigator uses the new one and Package Explorer uses the old one.

Sometimes the running man is black and sometimes he's blue? I don't get the distinction.

The pin editor icon is unclear because I can't see the pin.

The icon for plain text files is hard to see in the editor tabs. I think it's a problem with the border not being a solid black color like the one for Java and other files. To see this, edit (which uses a nice solid border) and .classpath (which uses the washed out border) and compare them side by side. The former is much more visible.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Van Meekeren [mailto:Michael_Van_Meekeren@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 4:28 PM
To: platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [platform-ui-dev] Platform UI R3.0 icon refresh.

Platform UI committers please have a look at the proposed R3.0 workbench icons. 

General feedback to chris_mcLaren@xxxxxxxxxx or myself would be great.   


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