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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Context API confusion (very long)

EnabledSubmission is a strange name for a class. I got confused when I started having a conversation about disabling my EnabledSubmissions, which are still enabledSubmissions, even when they're disabled.  Maybe there is a better name for this object ... it's really more of a "ContextContext" ;-).

Anyway, it seems more convenient and easier to read code if you could do something like:


that way you could avoid having to name this class altogether.

Another problem we ran into was trying to enable a context for only our editor's outline page.  Our page has no IWorkbenchPartSite associated with it.  So what is the technique for enabling a context for just a page?  It seems like it should be IPageSite.getKeybindingService().enableContext(String).  Related to that, how can our page even get the KeybindingService? I'm not sure if my editorpart's registered actions are available in my outline page.


> a. Make sure to keep around your reference to enabledSubmission after you
> request that a context be enabled. You need this reference to withdraw your request later.

Why is that?  It looks like equals() and hashCode() are implemented correctly.

Chris McLaren <Chris_McLaren@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/24/2004 03:06 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:        platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] Context API confusion (very long)

Easy answers for you. All of this was radically simplified this week. (I got debug from head and checked out how you were using things so I knew I wouldn't break the build)

1. Your one and only entry point to the contexts API:

IWorkbenchContextSupport contextSupport = IWorkbench.getContextSupport()

2. You can get the *real* context manager for the workbench like this (you should not be creating your own, or it won't play with keybindings, etc..):

IContextManager contextManager = contextSupport.getContextManager();

3. To request that a context be enabled:

EnabledSubmission enabledSubmission = new EnabledSubmission(null, null, "myContextId");


4. To withdraw that request:


Extra notes:

a. Make sure to keep around your reference to enabledSubmission after you request that a context be enabled. You need this reference to withdraw your request later.

b. Withdrawing your request doesn't necessarily mean your context will be disabled - some other plugin may have put in an EnabledSubmission for this context as well. The context manager enables a context if one or more plugins request it to be enabled. (notice that you do not have access to IMutableContextManager.setEnabledContextsIds, even if you try to cast contextManager to it). The context manager protects itself - you must submit a request in the manner described above.

c. The first two parameters of enabled submission allow you to specify that the workbench should only enable your context when a certain part and/or perspective is active, a convenience to use if you choose (the workbench will take care of the rest), or you can manage this yourself using the global listeners. Using null and null as I have done in this example means you want it enabled independent of what part or perspective is active).

d. Notice the term is now 'enabled'. The term 'active' should no longer be used. I will double check the API to make sure of this for clarity..

That should be pretty much everything you need to know (a lot simpler, eh?). Let me know what I missed after you digest these changes.


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