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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Precise font metrics

Hi Stephan

For that to work, besides adding floating precision to font metrics, we would also need to add floating precision all other graphics. Agreed ?
I mean, how good is to able to measure the height of line in floating precision if you won't be able to draw the next line at some floating point location.
As you can imagine, that would be a big work.

Anyhow, the problem you are having is that your editor shows less lines that some other editor (given the same text, font, client area) ? Is that right ?


From: Stephan Aßmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
To: platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 10/24/2011 10:39 AM
Subject: [platform-swt-dev] Precise font metrics
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi all,

The FontMetrics class only returns rounded int values for ascent,
descent and leading values, but I need to know the precise floating
point measurements.

I've searched the web for a solution to this problem, but even though I
think people would stumble over this issue more frequently, I have found
nothing helpful.

Basically, my situation is this. I am working on an SWT/JFace
application where the user can edit large rich text documents (WYSIWYG
in pages). To support this we developed a new styled text document model
with a LineStyleListener based adapter to the SWT StyledText control.
The StyledText control itself and the LineStyleListener interface needed
heavy modifications for all the features that we needed. In principle we
would be willing to donate the related code. At least when I initially
researched rich text editing, it appeared many developers were also in
need for a powerful framework similar to what is available in Swing. One
problem with me donating code could be that I can't promise to maintain
anything. But if there were plans already to offer a rich text framework
in JFace/SWT that is not focussed on editing code so much as is current
JFace/Text, it may be a good starting point.

Anyway, after not paying it enough attention for the longest time, I was
looking into more precise text rendering and comparing the amount of
glyphs per line and number of lines per page with other text packages
and I am realizing that the rounding of the font metrics to integer
values could be posing quite a problem for my use case. Neither can I
control text rendering beyond anti-alisaing on/off, nor can I position
each line based on individual absolute rounding from the page top. So
the font metric rounding adds up and I end up fitting much less text on
a page compared to other professional text packages.

Can anyone provide some directions which I could investigate to solve
this problem? Thank you for any help!

Best regards,

platform-swt-dev mailing list

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