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[platform-swt-dev] Understanding code in TextLayout Win32


In the Win32 SWT in graphics.TextLayout, starting at line 2730 there is this code:

bool shape (int /*long*/ hdc, StyleItem run, char[] chars, int[] glyphCount, int maxGlyphs, SCRIPT_PROPERTIES sp) {
    bool useCMAPcheck = !sp.fComplex && !run.analysis.fNoGlyphIndex;
    if (useCMAPcheck) {
        short[] glyphs = new short[chars.length];
        if (OS.ScriptGetCMap(hdc, run.psc, chars, chars.length, 0, glyphs) !is OS.S_OK) {
            if (run.psc !is 0) {
                glyphCount[0] = 0;
                OS.MoveMemory(run.psc, new int /*long*/ [1], OS.PTR_SIZEOF);

I try to understand the last line MoveMemory.
run.psc is a SCRIPT_CACHE, which is a opaque type.
Why is it overwritten with '1' ?
Can someone please help me to understand this. I am working on a D port of this code. Without this lines it seems to work, with this line it crashes. The original Java SWT code does work properly with the same testcase.


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