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Re: [platform-swt-dev] getBounds method in Scrollbar class is missing

Tom Roche 12/15/2005 11:41 PM
>> all abbot.swt is trying to do (at this point) is make API available
>> to folks who are trying to programmatically test SWT-based apps, so
>> they can scratch their itches and hopefully contribute fixes as
>> needed/available. It's strictly a volunteer/community effort.

Randy Hudson Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:15:12 -0500
> How is getBounds() going to help? You still need to be able to find
> the various pieces of the scrollbar, and even then you couldn't
> really predict what clicking on them would do. There are too many
> variables, like the control's size, the size of the contents (which
> could be dependent on system font, display DPI, etc), and the
> increments set for each type of click.

> Sorry, I'm not trying to start a big discussion on automated
> testing.

OK I'll try to limit myself to the following:

> But making getBounds() API would lead to additional API requests.

To me it sounds like you think that would be a bad thing--why? Or am I
missing something?

The goal is to provide developers who want to automate their GUIs with
API that makes it as easy as feasible to do that. Do you claim that
GUI automation (e.g. for demos and function test) is not a good thing?
Or do you disagree with providing API toward that end? If not, then
why shouldn't folks request API enabling that end?

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