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Re: [platform-swt-dev] GC on native components and painting

yep that code is much cleaner. Thanks.

Carolyn MacLeod wrote:

The following snippet is the best I can do.
Hope it helps.

*import* org.eclipse.swt.*;
*import* org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
*import* org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;

 * Buttons on Windows don't like transparent images.
 * So you have to simulate transparency by setting the image's
 * transparent pixel to the button's background color.
*public* *class* Main {
*public* *static* *void* main (String [] args) {
        Display display = *new* Display();
/* Create a shell with a button. */
        Shell shell = *new* Shell (display);
        shell.setLayout (*new* FillLayout ());
        Button button = *new* Button (shell, SWT.PUSH | SWT.BORDER);

        /* Create an image data with a 2-color palette (red, white). */
        PaletteData palette = *new* PaletteData (*new* RGB[] {
display.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_RED).getRGB (), // pixel 0 = red display.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_WHITE).getRGB (), // pixel 1 = white
        ImageData imageData = *new* ImageData (24, 24, 1, palette);
imageData.transparentPixel = 1; // set the transparent color to white /* Create an image from the image data, and draw on it. */
        Image image = *new* Image (display, imageData);
        GC gc = *new* GC (image);
        gc.setBackground (display.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_WHITE));
        gc.fillRectangle (0, 0, 24, 24); // fill with white
        gc.setBackground (display.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_RED));
gc.fillArc (2, 2, 20, 20, 0, 360); // draw a red circle in the middle
        gc.dispose ();
/* Tell the image to use the button's background color for transparent pixels. */
        image.setBackground (button.getBackground ());
        button.setImage (image);
shell.pack (); ();
        *while* (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
                *if* (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
        image.dispose ();
        display.dispose ();

*Minh Chiem <minhchiem@xxxxxxxxxxxx>*
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/26/2003 03:13 AM
Please respond to

	[platform-swt-dev] GC on native components and painting



I've followed the guide on
to find out how to do transparency.

I've added a paintlistener on a button however, when you go to click on
the button there seems to be no refresh so it appears as if a image as

It looks like there's another paint listener when the button is pressed
so what I've done is made the button repaint everytime the mouse down
and mouse up event occurs and that seems to be a nice work around.
However, I've got lots of buttons/toolbar items that have images and
adding mouse listeners to all the buttons makes code look really messy
IMHO. Since I can't just extend the Button so that it encapsulates the
extra repainting behaviour, is another way to approach this problem?

BTW, I'm running this on the windows version of SWT.

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