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[platform-swt-dev] Questions about ActiveX Bridge and SWT

Hi !

I found few weeks ago the site answering my question about Java & Macro of MSWord. Now I've found  two steps that I am not able to overcome.
First,  when  I build a simple application and I have internal libraries to use,  am  I  compelled to  place  the jars in the lib/ext directory of the Java Runtime Directory? I have many difficulties in placing a convenient class-path in the manifest file. Why does the application ignore the manifest string?
    The  second problem (and the biggest one) is that I am trying to build an SWT java-bean-application but the packager doesn't permit me to run the bridge activeX procedure. Is it  possible to use this technology for my software or am I compelled  to use AWT and SWING?

I really hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.



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