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Re: [platform-swt-dev] building SWT on linuxPPC

Hallo Veronika,

* Veronika Irvine wrote:
>You should place the ppc compiled swt library in 
>org.eclipse.swt.gtk_2.1.0/os/linux/ppc and start eclipse with "-arch ppc".

Yep. But this means I have to change the default values for the 
eclipse binary launcher...

The other thing is, that I would need to change a lot of 
skripts/files in debian/* to get the symlinks to the right place... 
I will have a look for the next version of debian eclipse 

I'm also not sure, what other VM is out there, which will run on 
debian and can start eclipse (every such platform would need the 
proper arch dir and files therein... Until now I work around this 
by just saying, that everything should be in x86 dir...)

>Eclipse should have correctly picked up the architecture anyway.  Please 
>enter a bug report against Platform Core about this.

I'm not sure about this. At least the build script will prevent 
using 'linux-ppc' and so the eclipse binary launcher will give a 
-arch x86 option to 

# eclipse &
# ps -aux |grep eclipse
/bin/java -Xmx256M -cp /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar \
org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -data \
/home/jan/workspace -addsite /home/jan/.eclipse/user.links

As I've not tested this on PPC, I can't really say, what 
happens if I start eclipse with -arch ppc (with of course putting 
the swt libs in the right place beforehand). I will enter 
bugreports, when I've done this... 

Jan Schulz                     jasc@xxxxxxx
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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